Hi friend, I'm Danielle - Welcome!

I'm here to encourage and help you steward your mind and body naturally using tools that I've created to equip you in all areas of life. 

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Renew Your Money Mindset



“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2

If we define money mindset as the deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we create about money then, having a Biblical money mindset means a biblical perspective is used to form your thoughts so that your actions and habits will honor God. 

A biblical perspective on money allows one to:

Live with contentment

Freeing ourselves from the fear and anxiety that is inherent in a culture driven by money to be thankful for what blessings we receive is the first step to living freely. 

Give generously

There’s been a lot of dangerous teaching on money and prosperity. These false ideas lead you into a life of works and away from faith and dependency on Jesus.

Make wise decisions

Understanding what the Bible says and how to APPLY it is key to a healthy relationship with money. A biblical money mindset means following the gentle leading of God’s Spirit - not just following someone else’s success formula. 

Break free

Systems are helpful. But following someone else’s “proven system” could lead to shame if you break one of their rules. (Giving some side-eye to the overly glorified “7 baby steps” approach). We need a flexible and gracious way to become good financial stewards, not another way to feel bad about our circumstances.

Freedom is possible.

But first, we must remove this idea of black and white, either this or that mentality keeping you from walking in Biblical truth.

Make Room for Rest

Hey Biz-owning Mama,

You’re called to a full plate, but that doesn’t mean you must run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Let me share one tool that’s been life-changing in my own life - Rest.

Rest restores tired bodies, and gives energy, but it’s




Rest helps you concentrate. It helps you have the focus you need to work and get things done.

Rest also reduces stress and overwhelm.

Does it feel like your to-do list never ends?

Have you burned out or maybe you're working on avoiding it?

What if you could get everything done and have time for your family?

Does it feel like the self-care you're doing doesn't make a difference?

Maybe perfectionism keeps you from resting or getting things done the way you want and need to.

What would it look like if you had the tools to recover from burnout or recover from it?

What if you knew how to rest in a way that would actually refresh you and make lasting change?

What if you were able to manage your full plate with grace?

Make Room for Rest is a course for Christian business-owning moms so they can do all the things God's called them to, without feeling like they're running around with their heads cut off.

I'm Ready to Make Room for Rest

This is for you if you're:

  • Looking to avoid burnout
  • Have more and better rest
  • Increase emotional capacity
  • Grow in your understanding of biblical rest
  • Have more productivity to make more money and better manage your business
  • Have time freedom
  • Get everything finally checked off your to-do list
  • Feeling stuck from perfectionism (maybe you're a perfectionist or a recovering perfectionist)

Included in this course are:

  • Lifetime access - come back and review the content over and over again
  • Video trainings
  • Workbook and digital assets to include Restful Routines Templates and Journal questions

Your investment in this course is a one-time payment of $47.

Sign Me Up!

As a mom and business owner, you're pulled in so many different directions.

It's no wonder you can't focus and finish tasks.

You lack clarity, creativity, and motivation, which leads to unproductive days.

Being tired and stressed just makes it worse, especially when you're the caretaker of all the things.


You can make room for rest.

Rest reduces burnout. It gives you the emotional capacity to handle all the demands placed on you.

By enrolling in Make Room for Rest, you'll learn about biblical rest. God's given you the gift of rest! He wants rest for you.

You'll also learn more productivity, so you can implement what you've learned.

I'm not here to teach you what to do, then leave you to figure out how to put it into practice. 

I've even given you templates for ideas on how to work your schedule to be the most effective in what you need to do.

As a mom of four and a business owner, I've been there - pulled in so many different directions, I thought my head would explode.

I had to figure out how to make it all work together, and how to heal from burnout. 

Because yes, I've been there too.

I'm teaching you from my own experience and what God taught me through my own burnout.

Hi, I'm Danielle Roberts. My goal is to teach women about biblical rest and productivity so they can do what God's called them to do, and do it well, without burnout. My favorite ways to rest are reading a good book and cross-stitching (yes, that makes me sound like a grandma).

It's Time for Me to Make Room for Rest

If this course doesn't meet your need after you've gone through it, I'll refund your money.

For FAQ's click here.

You don't have to 

Struggle to finish your to-do list.

Burnout because that's what the business culture says is normal.

Lack time for your family and friends.

Do self-care in a way that's ineffective.

Allow perfectionism is keeping you from resting or getting things done the way you want and need to.

If you don't learn how to rest, you'll burnout. Be proactive and learn how to rest now. A new, and better world is waiting for you.

Sign Up Now!

Pen Your Way to Peace: Planning Tips and Journaling Prompts for an Overwhelming Holiday Season

Does thinking about the upcoming holidays have you in a panic?

Did last year’s holidays cause overwhelm that you don’t want to repeat, including burnout from too many events?

Have you considered avoiding the holidays because they bring so many negative emotions and drama?

Friend, we hear you and have been there, too. The holidays can be hard and devoid of joy.

However, planning ahead, alleviating chaos, and addressing those negative emotions can help your holidays be full of joy, not pain.

Preparing ahead of time can prevent burnout, so you can go into the new year with energy!

And all that overwhelm, well, that no longer has a place here!

If you’re ready to prepare for the holidays and overcome that overwhelm, spend a night with us, Kari Bartkus and Danielle Roberts, to plan, prepare, and journal your way to a joy-filled holiday season.

Work through your joy stealers with a journaling exercise, then put what you learned into practice by actually planning out your holidays. This includes gifts, events, travel, and time with family.

This is a pre-recorded, timeless workshop that will help you prepare your heart and life for the holiday season.

Essential Home Toolkit: Simplify Your Homemaking

Not many people tell the story of the housewife and homemaker positively, yet, women long to fill that role, and do it well.

You're told these roles aren't living your best life, and you can be so much more, but your heart desires to be at home.

As a mom, you want to raise your babies, and lovingly care for your home the way you were created to do.

This is your time to become the homemaker you want to be. It's your time to joyfully, even reluctantly, step into the space you were meant to fill.

When you sign up for the toolkit:

You get immediate access to the list signing up and you can download the PDF for your reference whenever you want.

You can also listen to podcasts on homemaking that I've provided.

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